To know Christ, to become like Him, and mobilize His people for Kingdom service.
To Know Christ
There is no greater call or privilege than to know Christ. Therefore, in our hearts is a deep desire to see people turn their affections, their allegiance, and their attention to Jesus. This is an urgent call and one that demands our greatest commitment. The days in which we live will require us to grow deep roots in Christ in order to stand against the winds of adversity from the culture surrounding us. Radiant Church is committed to this process and recognizes our need for encouragement and inspiration from the Word, the Holy Spirit, and the Body of Christ.

To Become Like Him
As we pursue to know Christ, we will become more and more like Him. We must remember that the Father is committed to the task of glorifying His Son in the earth and He does this primarily in and through His people as they are led by His Spirit. As we “look” to Him, we become radiant – a reflection of His light. As we “look” to Him we will see Him more clearly and will be transformed into His image from glory to glory. Christ-likeness means to be like Him in devotion, character, conduct and service. This transformation into
Christ-likeness is the desired result of our walk with Him and how we define discipleship. To be like Christ is the Father’s desired destiny for every person who calls upon the name of the Lord. This focus will help us learn to trust God more fully and continually abide in Christ.
Mobilize His People for Kingdom Service
Each person in whom Christ dwells has been called and gifted for service on behalf of the Kingdom. Every person is a minister--in their homes, neighborhoods, workplace and church, and is called to be fruitful for the Kingdom. Therefore every person is called to minister from the good deposits which Christ has placed within them by His Spirit. The greatest deposit of the Spirit within His people is the love of Christ from which all other gifts flow. In order to effectively mobilize His people for Kingdom service, we recognize that everyone must be loved, valued, trained, encouraged, anointed and sent out. We want to help unearth the treasures within people and see them fly. The result will be people who are being intentional about using their gifts and talents for the good of others and the building up of the body of Christ.